Sunday, December 19, 2010

zomg NEW BLOG zomg?!

Even though I originally wanted Lauren to have her own blog, the more I posted the more sense it made to merge their blogs into one main one.  They're usually doing the same things anyways so it was always hard to decide where to post Christmas photos, for example.  So from now on, Parker and Lauren will have one superblog here:

So no more updates here!  And no more updates at Parker's blog!  If you still feel like stalking following our family, book mark the new site and update Google Reader!  The nice thing about Blogger is that you can actually export your old blog into a file and then import it into your new location, transferring all of the posts and comments.  And since I transferred two blogs, it automatically arranged them chronologically, mixing the posts together, which is pretty awesome.

Monday, December 13, 2010

More Photos

More photos of Lauren!
A rare photo of Lauren and Daddy!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Lauren Being Cute

Not much is new with Lauren!  She still needs a hair cut.  She's still pretty cute.  She's still eating and sleeping well.  She still loooooves Parker.  Here she is! 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hanging Out, Being A Little Baby

Here are some photos of Lauren and I hanging out while April was away for the weekend.
Looking suspicious of the new guy.
 Maybe happy?
 Maybe pooping?
 Winning in a staring contest. 
 Hanging out with all of her friends on the play mat.  She seems to like the sheep and horse.
Also, I'm convinced we need to get her hair cut.  Not even necessarily "cut", but just trimmed and cleaned up a bit.  Since April doesn't think so, maybe we should have a vote on Lauren's blog?