Wednesday, October 27, 2010

2 Month Shots

Lauren had her first immunization shots yesterday at her 2-month checkup!  She's 22 inches long and 12.5 pounds, so she's still growing, which is good.  She seems to be eating well, but she still has pooping issues, so we're trying to figure out what's up with that.  April thinks she has a problem digesting cow's milk proteins, so she has cut cow's milk out of her own diet and it seems to be helping Lauren.  She got two shots in her thighs yesterday, didn't like it, and promptly fell asleep.  So far no side effects!


Abuelita said...

Incredible how quickly they forget the pain of their shots. I hope Lauren's OK after hers. Love the video.

Kristyne said...

Wow... she definitely is growing! Glad the needles didn't seem to bother her too much.